Durón | Selva encantada de Amor DIGITAL

Sebastián Durón (1660-1716) - Selva encantada de Amor. Zarzuela

217 pages 2017 ISMN 979-0-805412-19-1 (PDF)

Also available in paperback edition

Instrumental parts available on demand.

43,27 €

We present in the fourth volume of the collection "Música escénica" the critical edition of the zarzuela Selva encantada de Amor by Sebastián Durón (1660-1716), an edition that is accompanied by the two "Bailes" that are part of the spectacle: the Baile armonioso de la Tienda de Amor and the Baile del órgano y fin de fiesta. Like Coronis, it is a entirely sung zarzuela. The two "bailes"are also totally sung. The spectacle was composed in the last decade of the XVII century, possibly between 1696 and 1699, being one of Durón's first stage works. Its dimensions and staff are modest, since the show was not written for the court, but for the tenth Conde de Oñate, Don Íñigo Manuel Vélez Ladrón de Guevara y Tasis (1642-1699).

Instruments and choir: violin, viola da gamba and bc; SSAT choir.


Selva encantada de Amor

- Timantes: Soprano
- Cupido: Soprano
- Argelao: Soprano
- Palas: Soprano
- Arminda: Soprano
- Dicteo: Tenor 
- Rústico: Soprano
- Laureta: Soprano

Baile armonioso de la Tienda de Amor

- El Amor: Soprano 
- La Inconstancia: Soprano
- La Sospecha: Soprano 
- El Cuidado: Soprano
- El Decoro: Soprano
- La Suerte: Soprano
- La Fineza: Soprano

Baile del órgano y fin de fiesta

- Un fabricante: Soprano
- Un sayo: Soprano
- Dama 1ª: Soprano
- Dama 2ª: Soprano
- Dama 3ª: Soprano
- Dama 4ª: Soprano

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