Hidalgo | Sacred works Vol. 2 DIGITAL

Juan Hidalgo (1614-1685) - Sacred works Vol. 2

140 pages. 2018 ISMN 979-0-805412-38-2 (PDF)

Also available in paperback edition

31,73 €

We have published in these volumes sacred works by the famous harpist and composer Juan Hidalgo Polanco (1614-1685). The present volume contains tonos or villancicos for one, two, three and four voices with bass accompaniment, structured in estribillo and coplas. Hidalgo's works had a huge influence and were widespread in his time. Consequently, the works collected in this volume are preserved in several archives in Spain and Ibero-America (National Library of Spain, Library of Catalonia, Historical Archive of the Archdiocese of Guatemala, National Library and Archive of Bolivia and Bayerische Staatsbibliothek of Munich).


- Al dichoso naçer de mi niño. A 4 y solo de Navidad (SSAT, Ac)

- Cantad, avecillas. Villancico al Santísimo Sacramento a Dúo (SA, Ac)

- Coraçón, amor. Tonada solo a lo humano (S, Ac)

- Coraçón, amor, coraçón. Tono a 3 al Santísimo Sacramento (SST, Ac)

- Cuidado. Solo al Santísimo Sacramento (S, Ac)

- Despertad, mortales. Para Santísimo Sacramento a 4 (SSAT, Ac)

- Dulce ruiseñor. Al Santísimo Sacramento del altar. Dúo sonoro (ST, Ac)

- Maravillas vi. Villancico al Santísimo Sacramento a 7 (SST-SSAT, Ac)

- Mi amor no busca a mis bienes. Al Santísimo A 4 (SSAT, Ac)

- Niño Dios, las flechas. Cuatro al Nacimiento (SSSS, Ac)

- Prevenid a mi amado. Tono a 4 al Santísimo Sacramento (SSAB, Ac)

- Rendido ya de sus triunfos. A 4 del Santísimo Sacramento (SSAT, Ac)

- Tortolilla que cantas. Solo al Santísimo Sacramento (S, Ac)

- Viva la flor de lo lindo. Solo a Nuestra Señora (S, Ac)

- Misa a 5. (S-SATB, Ac)

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